Almost everyone snores, but some do so more than others. If you think you are snoring too much, and you’re looking for ways to control it, read the article below for some helpful tips.
To prevent snoring, you should consider altering your sleeping position. Snoring is most common when lying in a supine position because gravity causes your head to fall back, which can narrow the air passages in your throat. Sleep on your side to take some pressure off your neck and avoid snoring.
Quit smoking, or drastically cut back to stop snoring. Smoking causes all sorts of damage to your respiratory system and other parts of your body. If you are a heavy smoker, smoking might actually be the cause of your snoring problem. Quit smoking to stop the snoring and live a healthier lifestyle.
Stick to a regular bedtime, and practice good sleep habits in general to reduce the incidence of snoring. If you go to bed overtired, sleep erratic hours, or have other bad sleep habits, you may sleep very deeply which relaxes the muscles in the back of your throat more than usual. This can contribute to snoring.
If you are over weight, snoring might be a problem. To make that problem stop, lose the excess pounds. Extra weight is stored in many different areas on your body, including in your neck. The fat stored in your neck region causes the throat to constrict, which often results in snoring. When you take off those extra pounds, the snoring will often come to an end.
To help you or your loved one stop snoring during sleep, try using nasal strips. Nasal strips can help you open your nasal passages, which will help you breathe easier in your sleep. As a result, many people stop snoring when they use these strips!
You want to ensure that your nasal passages remain open if you want snoring to stop. A nose that is clogged or constricted contributes to increased snoring. Use steam showers, humidifiers, neti pots or vapor rub to clear your nose. Nasal strips are also a good investment in the fight against snoring. These are placed over the bridge of the nose and allow extra air to flow through by forcing the nasal passages to open.
Do not sleep on your back, instead try sleeping on your side. If sleeping on your side is not natural, you can try to remedy the problem. Tie a tennis ball to your waist, positioned against your back. The discomfort caused by rolling onto the ball can keep you on your side.
You can reduce your snoring significantly by quitting smoking. If you just can’t give up that habit, try not smoking for a couple of hours before you go to bed. Smoking causes inflammation and swelling in your throat, which narrows your airway. An inflamed throat and narrow pathways will cause snoring; therefore, not smoking can lead to less swelling of the throat and less snoring
As you have read here, there are steps that you can take to control your snoring, even when you are in your deepest sleep. Keep on using what you have learned here and soon you can snore a lot less.